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Volunteer Park Wardens

Volunteer Park Wardens - Dedicated and committed to protecting the Euganean Hills

The Agenti Giurati Volontari association, founded in 1992, is a member of FEDERGEV Italia with national headquarters in Bologna, and is a part of the country's vast Civil Protection network. It consists of around 17 volunteers, both men and women, headed by Luciano Forzan, and its headquarters are in Via A. Volta 4, Battaglia Terme.

The volunteers are properly trained using specially designed courses and each of them dedicates 14 hours a month to this activity. They meet to draft their action plan and decide what work needs to be done and they provide information to all those who request details on rules and regulations or who wish to make a comment. They also carry out preventative, informative and educational activities with visitors to, and residents of, the Euganean Hills.

Park wardens are available on Tuesday mornings from 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m., and are on hand to provide information on mushroom picking, wild plants, fishing and applications for lumber. They are on call Thursday evenings from 9 p.m. - 11 p.m. in case of an emergency.

Two park wardens patrol the park on weekdays and holidays, using the vehicles and equipment provided by the park authority. During the summer season, forest fire patrols take place during weekdays as well.

For further details: Tel: 049 9101516 - Fax: 049 9114016 - E-mail: gev.collieuganei@libero.it

Volunteer Park Wardens
Volunteer Park Wardens
(photo von: Parco Regionale dei Colli Euganei)
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Email: info@parcocollieuganei.com
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