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Visit the Hills in a sustainable way

The Euganean Hills Regional Park fosters Sustainable Tourism thanks to the ECST, the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, a method of participatory governance in tourism, dedicated to protected areas, and provided for by the membership of Federparchi and Europarc Federation. In this way, local tourism operators adhering to the Charter are encouraged to develop a tourism offer compliant with the needs of biodiversity protection in protected areas, also through greater integration and mutual collaboration.

List of ECST (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism) Certified Tourism Facilities)

Parco delle Ginestre (The Park of the Brooms)
Parco delle Ginestre (The Park of the Brooms)
(photo by: PR Colli Euganei)
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Via Rana Ca' Mori, 8 - 35042 Este (PD)
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