The "BISI" of Euganean Hills
The southern area of the Euganean Hills, between Baone and Arquà Petrarca (where climate and soils are more favourable), is suited for the cultivation of the peas, bisi, in particular the small and early one that could be tasted as sweet first fruits.
For further information:
Associazione Produttori Piselli dei Colli Euganei Bisi&Bisi (Bisi&Bisi Euganean Hills Peas Producers Association)
President: Stefano Zambon
Piazza XXV Aprile, 20 35030 Baone (Padua)
Ph. and fax +39 0429 57182
The Euganean Hills "Bisi"
(photo by: Parco Regionale dei Colli Euganei)