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International Museum of Artistic Glass and Thermal Baths

Via E. Fermi, 1
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD) | View on Map
Municipality: Montegrotto Terme

The Museum hosts more than 700 artistic glasses that were produced through different techniques by Archimede Seguso, Alfredo Barbini, the Toso brothers, Gianpaolo Seguso, Guarnieri. There is also a room with works of Busato, Nason, Sivini, Ernst and more. There are also some works and sculptures made by designers like Fulvio Bianconi, Carlo Scarpa for Bernini glassmakers and others by the Maestri Vetrai Muranesi Cappellin & C., Cenedese, Masciarelli.

Useful information: website of the museums in Padua; official website

International Museum of Art Glass and of Thermal Baths
International Museum of Art Glass and of Thermal Baths
(photo by: PR Colli Euganei)
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