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Fitness trail

On foot         Great Interest: Hystory 
  • Departure: Galzignano Terme
  • Arrival: Galzignano Terme
  • Involved Municipalities: Galzignano Terme

The area around the olive grove and vineyard in Chiesa Vecchia, in the municipality of Galzignano Terme, partly consists of a mixed locust wood on the southeast-facing slope, and of a chestnut wood on the north-facing slope. The point of departure of the loop trail around the hill is the parking lot near the cemetery; visitors will walk through a stretch of chestnut wood, a picnic area and, most importantly, the experimental olive grove and vineyard. Beside their relevance for experimentation and conservation of local biotypes, these are undoubtedly useful for education, too, as both the terracing (in segments of 1-1.5 m) and the farming methods follow the traditional system of land management and agriculture in Colli Euganei. The experimental olive grove and vineyard are Region-owned land, entrusted to the Park Authority. The whole intervention area is within the boundaries of Colli Euganei Regional Park and "IT3260017 Colli Euganei-Monte Lozzo-Monte Ricco” SPA (Special Protection Area) and SCI (Site of Community Importance) in the Municipality of Galzignano Terme, and classified as “Agricultural enhancement area” by the Park’s Environmental Plan.

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Fitness Trail, exercises
Fitness Trail, exercises
(photo by: PR Colli Euganei)
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