Viticulture in the Euganean Hills, a model of sustainable and participated development and participation
Implementation works continue on the project of the Colli Euganei Wine Doc Consortium financed by Gal Patavino
( Este, 05 December 2018 )Development and implementation works on the MoSVit project continue - Model of sustainable and participatory viticulture development in the Euganean Hills, through the definition of territorial application methods. A coordination meeting was held in Agripolis to review the initiative and plan future actions.
The MoSVit project, funded by the Veneto RDP 2014-2020, with Misura 16 GAL Patavino project, sees as leader the Consortium for the Protection of the Euganean Hills Wines, flanked by some partners: the University of Padua - TESAF Department, Etifor, the Euganean Hills Park Authority, Coldiretti Veneto and Coldiretti Padua.
The initiative aims at promoting, until the end of 2019, local economic development through the integration of the Euganean Hills wine system with the tourism system, through sustainable, inclusive and integrated solutions, which focus on local wine productions and on to the short supply chain, but also on the management of existing or latent differences in opinions and conflicts over the territory. It is therefore vital to create a networking between producers and other stakeholders to promote the rurality of tourism, a true resource of the Euganean Hills that continues to grow and gain authority in these years.
This project, underlined the subjects involved, represents a new approach for the producers but also for the whole Euganean territory, to acquire a greater awareness of the potential and greater tools to combine tourism, agricultural activity and viticulture. The participatory model makes it possible to lay the foundations of a common language to build a relationship of trust, a network model in which decisions must be discussed. It is the recognition of social capital as a factor of local development, or the trust between people who are collaborating for the same purpose: knowing how to manage a network of complex relationships, through an active planning.
