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The Park

The Euganean Hills Regional Park, covering an area of around 18,694 hectares, was established in 1989, identifying an area of great geomorphological interest and characterised by hills of volcanic origin created around 35 million years ago (Oligocene). Mount Venda, at 601 m above sea level, is the highest one. The Park, inhabited by man since the Lower Palaeolithic, contains interesting archaeological sites, natural and ethnographic museums. It is located within 15 Municipalities combining environmental value with the charm of medieval fortifications, ancient stone villages, Venetian villas, historic gardens, hermitages, and monasteries, surrounded by the calmness of fine vineyards. The wooded areas are dominated by large areas of Mediterranean scrub, chestnut, and oak woods. There are many paths that make up the exploratory network; in the dedicated section of the site, you can find those listed by the Park Authority and equipped with appropriate signs for excursions. Finally, the hotel and restaurant facilities are excellent.
(photo by: PR Colli Euganei)
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